Hey everyone, Zack here. Let’s cut to the chase on Golang. No need for the typical “Hello, World!” theatrics—the premise of this brief intro is that Golang isn’t just another language that we add to our resume. I must admit, that was my initial goal for learning Go. But, pretty quickly it became clear to me that Go is a very effective tool for building real-world solutions.

On my journey to becoming a developer, I learned to reject syntax exercises and mindless typing. I’m not gonna make big claims or pretend like it’s all glamorous. In fact, I value simplicity. My preferred aproach is getting things done without unnecessary complexity. I’m not a fan of the approach that forces me to create additional abstraction layers for uncertain future benefits. Golang is a perfect choice for this specific criterion.

Here’s where I’m coming from:

  • Making Theory Practical: Data structures and algorithms can be intimidating. Let’s employ them when needed and turn them into skills that let us build real things. The best way to learn is by doing, not just learning for the sake of it.

  • Embracing Golang’s Philosophy: What grabbed my attention is Go’s focus on concurrency, simplicity, and efficiency. And no, these aren’t just buzzwords;they are features that make Golang a powerful language for creating robust applications.

  • Keeping it Enjoyable: Learning and boredom cannot happen simultaneously. They’re antithetical. Having an end goal in mind helped me stay passionate and motivated. Even mistakes and challenges were learning opportunities that kept things interesting. For this reason, I find building fully functional applications more fun than learning all the concepts at once.

In short, think of this blog as a means to navigate complex ideas step by step through practical projects. This blog aims to offer a nuanced perspective and a unique approach to learning—one that resonates with me first and foremost. Moreover, I’ll be covering topics that genuinely matter in the real world.

Finally, consider this your invite to join me on my practical programming journey. Feel free to follow me on social media in order to get informed of my latest posts.